SIM codes *ضروری سم کوڈز جو ہر کسی کو معلوم ہونے چاہیے* 👇👇👇👇 *👉Advance Balance* *👉Balance Check* Jazz: *111# Telenor: *444# Ufone: *...
2nd year computer guess papers
Guess Papers(2nd year) ( Computer Science ) Here are some important MCQs ,short questions and Long questions which are key of succes...
2nd Year chemistry guess papers
Guess Paper (Chemistry) Here are some important MCQs ,short questions and Long questions which are key of success for 2nd year.So p...
2nd year physics guess papers
Guess Paper ( Physics) Here are some important MCQs ,short questions and Long questions which are key of success for 2nd year.So prepa...